Sunday, April 10th Masterclass
We all have an inner child living inside of us. It has been part of us since we were conceived.
This part of our being is always active and can recall good experiences like the smell of grandma's cookies, the twinkle in our father's eye when he was proud of our accomplishments as well as bad experiences like childhood fears, traumas, neglect, abuse and significant loss/abandonment.
It is the part of us that soaked everything in and tried to make sense of it all.
It forms part of our subconscious and has been interpreting signs, signals, emotions, beliefs, reactions, etc long before we were able to fully mentally or even emotionally process what was going on around us.
It holds all of our emotions, memories and beliefs from the past as well as our hopes and dreams for the future.
Think of the inner child as your very own data bank that has filtered and stored everything it has experienced into two basic categories: safe/good or dangerous/bad.
It does this and has been doing it since we were little in an effort to protect us from harm.
It's active when we are starting a new job and want to impress the boss. It's present when we seek a life partner or belonging in some social group. It's also the part of us that remembers feeling dumb when we didn't have an answer for the teacher, or the part of us that feels crushed and betrayed when we are hurt, ignored or lied to.
When you have a reaction out of the blue, or you feel super sensitive (sometimes without knowing exactly why), this can be coming from your inner child and depends greatly on what it programmed in as good or bad, safe or dangerous for you.
Understanding this precious part of ourselves is paramount to inner peace and harmony.
In this month’s masterclass, I will share a thought model developed by Susan Crompton that will help you to better understand these internal parts and processes.
In our 90 mins. together, you will learn:
How to differentiate between the Three Parts of Self and recognize the energetics of each specific part
How to use the Adult-Adolescent-Child Thought Model to better understand and manage your auto-reactions
How to recognize when old thought patterns might be sabotaging current situations
How to access and heal your inner child through a validation process
I hope you can join us for this one - please wear comfy clothing and bring a notebook/pen. I will lead you in a meditation and a journaling activity.
These masterclasses are full of valuable information and rich conversations.
In fact, you’ll learn just as much from the engaging discussions and exercise activities as from the presentation content.
We hope you can join us.
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NOTE: if you pay by PayPal, but use a different email for your regular messages, then please let me know, so you won't miss the information for joining the Masterclass.

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